
During autumn 2015 and spring 2016 the bioST@TS team created four videos in various topics in basic statistical analysis (mean/median, variability and distributions). The scripts for the movies were created by members of the bioST@TS team, and filming and post-editing of the videos was performed in collaboration with SFU MatRIC […]
Report: Videos in biological statistical education: A developmental project

VideoST@TS is a collaboration between the two SFUs (Centre of Excellence) bioCEED and MatRIC Filming and post-production: Åsmund R. Somdal, Chief Engineer, Universitetet i Agder Location: Universitetet i Agder, Campus Kristiansand [simple-staff-list group="videostats"]
About the videoST@TS’ team…

SFU MatRIC has recently produced and released a series of videos made by teachers at UiA. These videos (in Norwegian) help students getting a better grasp on key concepts in mathematics. Several chapters are available: 01-Grunnleggende matematikk 02-Grunnleggende mengdelære og algebra 03-Koordinatsystemet i planet 04-Potenser og logaritmer 05-Funksjoner 06-Geometri 07-Trigonometri 08-Følger og […]