
Joachim Töpper, Aud Halbritter and Torstein Hole take it to the basics of statistics and explain the concepts of average (gjennomsnitt), variability (variabilitet) and distribution (fordeling) using concrete examples in biology.

VideoST@TS is a collaboration between the two SFUs (Centre of Excellence) bioCEED and MatRIC           Filming and post-production: Åsmund R. Somdal, Chief Engineer, Universitetet i Agder Location: Universitetet i Agder, Campus Kristiansand     [simple-staff-list group="videostats"]

About the videoST@TS’ team…

SFU MatRIC has recently produced and released a series of videos made by teachers at UiA. These videos (in Norwegian) help students getting a better grasp on key concepts in mathematics.   Several chapters are available: 01-Grunnleggende matematikk 02-Grunnleggende mengdelære og algebra 03-Koordinatsystemet i planet 04-Potenser og logaritmer 05-Funksjoner 06-Geometri 07-Trigonometri 08-Følger og […]

MAtRIC TV – Videoressurser i matematikk