Data Management

When developing your code alone or as a team, you will try new things or make changes that may work well... or not. Sooner or later, you will hope that there is a way back, that you can retrieve an older version of your work and start again.

Version control systems are made for that: developing, validating or rejecting changes, and retrieving old versions. Here, we will learn how to connect RStudio and GitHub to safely develop and share your code via a repository, and collaborate with others.


Version control with GitHub and RStudio

Version control makes it is easy to share code, collaborate on the same project, and keep track of all the changes in your code. Here we will guide you through the process of installing git, connecting RStudio and GitHub and explain the basic workflow.

Learn about: RStudio & GitHub, GitHub repository


Working with branches

A branch lets you develop code, fix a problem, or test an idea without affecting the original project. A branch is created from an existing branch, usually from the main branch of the project.

Learn about: make a new branch, commit & push


Collaborating with forks

GitHub is useful for developing your own code, but at some point you might want to collaborate with other people on a project. Or you might come across a GitHub repository that you want to use as a starting point for your own work. In both cases forks are the way to go.

Learn about: fork a repo, clone a repo, make a branch, make a pull request