4. Generating random series

The function rnorm() generates automatically a series of random values which are normally distributed. This comes quite handy when you want to test functions, statistical analyses or scripts on a random dataset, and you need to be sure that the content is normally distributed beforehand.

rnorm() needs the following information:

  • n, the number of values needed,
  • mean, the mean of the values to be generated,
  • sd, the standard deviation of the data set

The syntax is as follows:

[code language=”r”]
rnorm(n, mean, sd)

Here is an example where we want to generate a series (called random.set) of 200 values, which mean is 42 and which standard deviation is 8:
[code language=”r”]
random.set <- rnorm(200, 42, 8)

And the first values in the data set look like this:

This is what you get if you plot the data set with hist()
[code language=”r”]

A density plot with plot(density()) can also be useful to visualize the distribution:
[code language=”r”]

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