Starting with dplyr

In this first chapter, we learn what dplyr is and how to install/activate it. We also learn how to use pipes.

dplyr is an R package that allow you to manipulate data stored in data frames. It helps order, rearrange, sort, count, summarize, simplify, reduce or expand its contents (among others). dplyr offers a set of functions in the form of verbs which are easy to understand, to remember and to […]

Why dplyr?

Like any other package in R, if you have not installed/used it before on your machine, you will need to install it using the install.packages() command.   Simply type the following code in your console: install.packages("dplyr")   The following “victory screen” should appear:     Do not forget to activate […]

Installing dplyr

Using pipes is a great way to make your life in R simpler by chaining functions. It helps you apply a sequence of functions to a data set to obtain a final result without having to take care of intermediate results (the results of each single function/operation in the sequence). […]

Using pipes in dplyr